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Is the Glock 19 – The Perfect 9mm Handgun?


It’s also an excellent gun for the first time gun buyer because of these factors, and more: 

  • It’s incredibly reliable, i.e. it’s far more likely to “just work” than most other options
  • It’s not very finicky about what ammo you feed it, unlike many other firearms
  • Easy to “clean” and maintain – cleaning should be a 5-10 minute job
  • Parts and the entire gun are fairly easy to find for replacement if needed
  • It has very controllable recoil allowing you to not lose your target
  • 9mm ammo is very cheap, easy to find, and offers low recoil (compared to other ammo)
  • Smaller and thus quite a bit more portable than it’s big brother, the 9mm Glock 17